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2022 Top Images

Red-headed Woodpecker: After many years of searching, and dozens of hours staked out on pair of Red-Headed Woodpeckers I finally got "the" shot.
HDR Red-headed Woodpecker-1.jpg
Red-breasted Nuthatch: An infrequent visitor to our area.
Red-brested Nuthatch sm. -.jpg
Bald Eagle: An amazingly difficult image to get proper exposure with the white head and the black body.
Bald Eagle 500PF 1.4tc -.jpg
Carolina Wren: A very rare Minnesota winter visitor!
Redpoll: I have never seen them this far south in Minnesota before. We had 25+ at the feeder for weeks during the winter
Female White-winged Crossbill: The strange winter continued when a large flock of these boreal forest birds show up in Winona!
Female White-winged Crossed Bill-0970.jpg
Female above, male below.
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American Kestrel: Taking a vole for its first (and only) flight.
American Kestrel with a mouse not wanting to share-.jpg
Broad-winged Hawk: With a fresh-killed rabbit 
Broad-winged Hawk with rabbit-.jpg
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tail Hawk in flight wings up-6438.jpg
Red-tailed Hawk in flight-6439 (2).jpg
Sandhill Crane: I had to resist the urge to duck!
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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: Another "Lifer" and uncommon in our area.
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Song Sparrow: A summer-only resident and another "Lifer".
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Common Grackle and Painted Turtle: Gotta love those eyes!
Common Grackle-1.jpg
Turkey Vulture: After years of trying for a in-flight image....success!
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Ruby-throated Hummingbird: The Sony A1 eye detection made this shot!
RTH 1-1.jpg
Cape May Warbler: Migrating through to go the boreal forests in northern Minnesota and Canada.
Cape May Warbler.jpg
Scarlet Tanager: A canopy dwelling bird that you rarely see on the ground. He was mostly interested in water from the fountail.
Scarlet Tanager at Water Fountain-.jpg
Scarlet Tanager 8x10-.jpg

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